Because it's too early in the morning
Because I can't reach a pen, or pencil
Because it would mean turning over
Because I can't find my glasses
Because there's not enough light
Because I can't see
Because I don't have a pen
Because I don't have a word processor
Because I don't have a computer
Because there's no electricity
Because there's too much weather
Because no one reads Not even me
Because paper's too expensive
Because the paper is too wide
Because the paper is too white
Because a picture is worth a 1000 words
Because everything goes without saying
Because words fail me
Because I'm speechless
Because things are indescribable
Because it can't be put into words
Because I am a man of few words
Because I took back my words
Because I had to eat my words
Because words are yesterday's papers
Because it's all been said before
Because words have lost all meaning
Because I just wrote to get attention
Because I just wrote to impress people
Because I didn't really mean it
Because it never got me sex
Because it never kept me dry
Because I never won a prize
Because there's no call for it
Because there's no future in it
Because there's no money in it
Because my father told me not to
Because my teacher said I couldn't
Because I can't write in 50 words or less
Because I can't write a topic paragraph
Because I can't diagram a sentence
Because I can't follow directions
Because I have a chronic fatigue syndrome
Because I have attention deficit disorder
Because I have diminished capacity
Because I'm a substance abuser
Because I only wrote when I was loaded
Because I'm in denial
Because people never write back
Because I wrote you first
Because it's too late for the mailman
Because I'm bored
Because I'm too excited
Because I'd rather not say
Because I have not begun to write
Because I already wrote
Because everything's been written
Because I'm hungry
Because I want to watch TV
Because I want sex
Cause I don't want to
Cause I don't have to
Cause you can't make me
Because I have nothing to prove
Because actions speak louder than words
Because words were taken from my mouth
Because I cannot tell lies
Because words aren't worth paper
Let's not mince words Just because
Besides I can't get published
Besides I've already published
Besides there's no point publishing